

Using Time (B) 0
If you're offline or your computer runs slowly, time is banked (at 100% efficiency) - you can use it to speed up the game!
Running (P)
Pause the game to more easily adjust your queue.
Wait when any complete (W)
Restart to improve your skills when the queue is empty.
Travel back in time (R)
Return to your little room.
Not grinding mana rocks (G)
Loops through your best paths to each mana rock.
Ctrl-click to reset all route times so all rocks will be revisited when grinding.
Expected completions:
Some route failed to load
Some route was drowned
Some mana rock unreached
Some rock yet to be revisited
Some rock skipped
Not grinding stats (S)
Each loop, loads the route that gives the most stats.
Load only zone route (Q)
Adjust what happens when clicking on a zone route.


View messages
Reminisce about the 'story'.
View more config
There are a bunch more options.
Mouse over to see key bindings.
Arrow keys to move
Space to act at your location
Backspace removes a command
1-6 to inscribe a rune
Ctrl-backspace clears the whole queue
Tab selects the next clone
Ctrl-Left/Right to move within a queue
Shift-Tab selects the previous clone
Ctrl-click and Ctrl-Shift-number selects multiple clones
Ctrl-A selects all clones
. to wait for 100ms
, to wait for longer
: or ; to insert a breakpoint which pauses the game
Home/End moves the cursor to the start/end of selected clones
Manually Save
The game automatically saves every time a reset occurs.
Clear Save (double click)
Are you sure you want to restart the game?
This will put your save on your clipboard.
Paste your save in the box.
Export Queue
This will put your current queues on your clipboard.
Import Queue
Paste queues in the box.
Long Export
This will put your current queues (all zones, this realm) on your clipboard.
Long Import
Paste queues for all zones in this realm in the box.
View loop log
Might be laggy if it's open while running.
Paypal Discord
Version 2.7.13


Selected Clone

Barrier mult: 1
Zone time: 0s
Time spent: 0s



Map (Zone 1)

Map highlighting legend
Clone position
Final queue position
Cursor position
Hovered action
Viewed cell

Selected Location

Route time: s
Stuff used:
Est. mana left: s
Probably can be refined about 123 times right now
There is no known routes to this location.
There is no known valid route to this location - check your prerequisites!
This route ends with all your clones dead!


Move up
Move left
Move down
Move right
Repeatedly Interact
Weaken Rune
Wither Rune
Duplication Rune
Teleport To Rune
Teleport From Rune
Pump Rune
Wait 100ms
Long wait (default 5000ms; see settings)
Pause at this action
Select all
Repeat following action(s)
Repeat all actions after this action.
Sync (=)
If other clones have sync actions, wait until they're all on sync actions.
No Sync (+)
If a clone takes a No Sync action, it will not be considered for syncing with other clones for the rest of this zone until it takes another No Sync action.